The Mind as River

For it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.”

Heraclitus, Greek, Pre-Socratic philosopher, circa 56th century BC

The mind is like a raging river,
Forever moving on.
And who I am and what I am,
Will never be the same.

Ozymandius, Summer 2024


Despite his fascination with water, Heraclitus chose fire as the fundamental element from which all things arise. Perhaps it was watching copper and tin melted over fire becoming bronze. Perhaps fire boiling water making steam. But how does one explain a rock?

Only fragments of Heraclitus thoughts remain. The best known are the copied variations on his thought — “”It is not possible to step into the same river twice,” meaning change is constant. Heraclitus is often contrasted with Parmenides who thought there is only one reality, and everything is like a rock full of an unchanging atoms.

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