On Wisdom

What is Wisdom?

Epicurus bequeathed to us writings on many things including Happiness.

Advising us, that to find happiness do this:

“Let no one be slow to seek wisdom when he is young, nor weary when he has grown old.”

Epicurus, Letter to Menoeceus, ca. 270 BC

Traveling On

What is wisdom? Oz asks. Wisdom is knowledge plus experience, Oz says. The ability to think and act without putting one’s foot in one’s mouth. Wisdom is not simply knowledge, it is the ability to use it, and do so wisely.

Since AI is on everyone’s minds today. Oz asks, that if computers can think, can they also be wise? The answer is 42. That is the atomic number of molybdenum. and what Douglas Adams wrote in the Hitchhikers Guide.

As for me, I think, I will have to come back to that.

Oz, the author of this blog, is still at. But the Way is long, it is often hard and difficult, it can be lonely, and then again, sometimes one shares the Way, and then it truly is a joy.

Explanatory Notes

Epicurus (341–270 BC) was a Greek philosopher who gave us the word epicurean, being content with the simple things inlife.

Menoeceus was a friend of Epicurus, to who he wrote a letter on the pursuit of wisdom and happiness. There was also an historical Menoeceus, grandfather and father-in-law of Oedipus, now there’s a trick.

Oz is the nom de plume for the author of this blog. A little bit of this, a little bit of that. Always curious.

“Let no one be slow to seek wisdom when he is young, nor weary when he has grown old.” Epicurus

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